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– Falls Prevention

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Effect of a home-based exercise program on subsequent falls among community-dwelling older adults with cognitive frailty: A sub-group analysis of a randomized controlled trial

January 21, 2025

This article was recently published in Maturitas based on research conducted in our clinic. Full article details can be found here. Objectives Cognitive frailty is characterized by concurrent physical frailty and mild cognitive impairment and is associated with increased risk of falls. Exercise is an evidence-based strategy to prevent falls, but whether exercise reduces falls in people with cognitive frailty is unknown. We examined the effects of home-based exercise on subsequent falls among community-dwelling older adults with cognitive frailty who have previously fallen. Study design A sub-group analysis of a 12-month, single-blind, randomized controlled trial among 344 adults aged 70 years or more who had fallen within the past 12 months. Participants … Read more

Category: Falls Prevention, News, Publication

Action Seniors! Cost‐Effectiveness Analysis of a Secondary Falls Prevention Strategy Among Community‐Dwelling Older Fallers

October 15, 2020

This article was recently published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society based on research conducted in our clinic. Full article details can be found here. BACKGROUND The Otago Exercise Program (OEP) has demonstrated cost‐effectiveness for the primary prevention of falls in a general community setting. The cost‐effectiveness of exercise as a secondary falls prevention (ie, preventing falls among those who have already fallen) strategy remains unknown. The primary objective was to estimate the cost‐effectiveness (incremental cost‐effectiveness/utility ratio) of the OEP from a healthcare system perspective. DESIGN A concurrent 12‐month prospective economic evaluation conducted alongside the Action Seniors! randomized critical trial (OEP compared with usual care). SETTING Vancouver Falls Prevention … Read more

Category: Falls Prevention, Adding Quality to Later Life Years, Publication

Effect of a Home-Based Exercise Program on Subsequent Falls Among Community-Dwelling High-Risk Older Adults After a Fall: A Randomized Clinical Trial

June 11, 2019

JAMA. 2019;321(21):2092–2100. Importance  Whether exercise reduces subsequent falls in high-risk older adults who have already experienced a fall is unknown. Objective  To assess the effect of a home-based exercise program as a fall prevention strategy in older adults who were referred to a fall prevention clinic after an index fall. Design, Setting, and Participants  A 12-month, single-blind, randomized clinical trial conducted from April 22, 2009, to June 5, 2018, among adults aged at least 70 years who had a fall within the past 12 months and were recruited from a fall prevention clinic. Interventions  Participants were randomized to receive usual care plus a home-based strength and balance retraining exercise program delivered by a physical therapist … Read more

Category: Falls Prevention, Adding Quality to Later Life Years, Publication

Older and Wiser: Don’t up the odds when it comes to falling down

April 17, 2019

Originally published in North Shore News A friend of mine experienced a fall several months ago. Though she wasn’t hospitalized, the fall incapacitated her for several weeks. At the time of the fall, she was unaware of the dangers and repercussions of falling and how prevention efforts could perhaps have saved her from the experience. The Health Canada website states: “Falls are the leading cause of injury among older Canadians, the cause of 85 per cent of seniors’ injury-related hospitalizations and that 50 per cent of all falls causing hospitalization happen at home while people are doing their usual daily activities.” About one-third of people aged 65 years and over … Read more

Category: Falls Prevention, Adding Quality to Later Life Years

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